Getting Started with RMS and DCS Website

Be sure to register to the DCS website to get notifications and access to all the DCS Services available via the DCS website. 

Go to: 

Click Register on the top right. 

Fill in the required fields and click Register. 

How to send an RMS Message on the DCS Website

*Your user must be Authorized before using this service. Management or DCS Support can be contacted to check account status**

Open a web browser and go to the dcs website:

Click Login on the top right. 

Login with your website credentials or create a new user if you don't have any. 

Once logged in, click the 'Send RMS Message' icon. 

By default, all locations/stores will be selected to send a message to. 

  1. Type a subject for the message

  2. Type the message you want the users at the store to acknowledge

    1. If you need to include a URL, select the URL in the message and then click the 'Make Link' icon. This will add special tags to the URL to make sure it is displayed properly and clickable for the users.

  3. Select a Priority

    1. Low = The message will appear to the user the next time the login to ATS. If they are currently logged in, they won't see the message until potentially the next day.

    2. High = The message will appear, once transmitted, before they start a new transaction. If they are currently logged in, the system will show the message when they try to do their next transaction. 

    3. Send to Managers is designed to only transmit to the users designated as managers on the DCS Website. 

  4. Click 'Send Message'.


Users at the store will need to type in their DCS system Initials to acknowledge reading each message. The DCS system keeps logs of each message sent and which users have acknowledged the message and when. 

This information is store at the store level only. It can be accessed by an Admin. 

On the Main Teller Menu, select Help and then Messages from the drop down.

The list of messages will be displayed. Click the icon with 3 dots to view the details for the message and the list of users who have marked it as read or not. 

The example message below shows the message and the list of users who have entered their initials into DCS to acknowledge reading the message. The Date and time is when the user typed their initials for the message. 

How to view Daily Sheets and Reports on the DCS Website

Open a web browser and go to the dcs website.

Click Login on the top right. 

Login with your website credentials or create a new user if you don't have any. 

Once logged in, you can click View History on the left. There is a quick view on the right which you can use to view the reports. 

View History will give you a list of your locations. Select one. 

On the right, any of the reports available will be displayed. Click the EYE icon to view the reports.