Compliance Reports in DDX

I. Suspicious Customer Activity Setup

This enables more conditions in which a customer can appear on the "CTR/Suspicious Activity" report in the DDX program. In order to customize these conditions and search criteria, the user will have to log into DDX:

Locate the DDX shortcut on the computer's desktop

After logging into the DDX program, you will see this screen below

Next, navigate to Setup, then click on Suspicious Customer Activity Setup

This will open the Suspicious Customer Activity Setup window

Marked by Teller as 'Suspicious'
Tellers have the option at the store level to mark particular customers as 'Suspicious'. This criteria is enabled by default. If this option is checked, it will include any customer who is flagged by a teller at the store and it will display these flagged customers in the report.
If this option is unchecked, it will not include the customers flagged by tellers in the SAR (Suspicious Activity Report).

Made more than [ x ] Transactions in [ y ] days
This will enable the user to customize the conditions of this particular criteria and have the results display in the report. [ x ] would be replaced by the number of transactions made in [ y ] amount of days.
Cash Check/Money Order Activity in more than [ x ] Stores If the customer has cashed any amount of checks in [ x ] amount of stores (where [ x ] is defined by the user) for any time frame, the customer will be flagged as 'Suspicious'.

Time pattern was broken
If this criteria is enabled, checks that were cashed by a specific customer are compared to that customer's history and tendencies. If the pattern has been found broken, this customer will be marked as 'Suspicious'.
Amount pattern was broken. This search condition looks at the customer's check cashing pattern in regards to the dollar amounts and the respective maker of check.

CTR "Business Day"
This option is to specify how the business day is determined if a CTR is required. The Calendar Day will simply include one calendar day, whereas the 24-Hour Period is any given 24-hour period.

CTR Amount Calculation
The Currency Transaction Reports (CTR) will automatically include any transaction that exchange a total amount of $10,000 or more. Credit and Debit transactions totals are factored differently and can be calculated as follows;
Credit transactions (when currency is given out at the time of transaction, such as when a customer cashes a check and receives currency) do not include any applicable fees when calculating to the total. For example, a customer cashes a $10,040.00 check with a $50.00 fee, the transaction would have a principal amount of $9,990.00. Since the principal amount is not equal to or greater than $10,000.00, this transaction would not appear on the CTR. If the customer cashes a $10,060.00 check with a $50.00 fee, it would
appear on the CTR, because the principal amount is greater than $10,000.00 ($10,010.00).

Debit transactions (when currency is taken from customers, such as to purchase a money order or to purchase goods) includes any applicable fees to the total. For example, a customer buys two money orders for $6,000.00 each with a $8 fee on each money order, the principal amount would equal $12,016.00. This transaction would appear on the CTR report.
An easy way to tell if a transaction will be added to the store's CTR report is to ask "how much money was exchanged between the customer and the teller?" If it was $10,000.00 or over, the transaction will be automatically added to the CTR report. If it was less than $10,000, the report will not be added to the CTR report.

Report will be printed if:
Customer looks suspicious (see above) and Total MO amount exceeds $[ x ]
This criteria adds a dollar amount to the "Customer looks suspicious if:" section. If a customer is found 'Suspicious' per the above criteria, the user can also filter the results further by entering a dollar amount. For example, if the user enters $12,000 for this value, customers marked as 'Suspicious' will not be displayed if the total money order amount is below $12,000.

Total amount exceeded $[ x ]
A report will be displayed if a customer's cashed check total exceeds [ x ] (in the same transaction), and they are marked as 'Suspicious' from the section at the top of the window.

Show Customer in list if Total Money Orders amount exceeds $[ x ]
This criteria enables a customer to be displayed in the report if the total money order dollar amount exceeds [x], defined by the user.

II. Suspicious Customer Activity Reporting

This screen will allow the user to view Currency Transaction Reports (CTR), Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) and Money Order Transaction Logs.

There are several settings on this window that will help customize the report you will view. The Select Store(s) button located in the middle left side of the window allows the user to select the stores to view in the report selected.

When clicked on, the Select Store(s) window will open. All of the locations that are linked to the main office will be listed and available. Select All will automatically select ALL of the locations in this list, Unselect All will clear out all of the selections, and Mark Selected will select each highlighted store. After you are done selecting the desired locations, hit the Hide Stores button towards the middle left of the screen to return back to the main Suspicious Customer Activity Report window.

There are several other general options for displaying and printing the reports. Page Break enables the reports to be displayed as one transaction per page. If Page Break is disabled, the reports will ignore page breaks, and transaction detail can be split between two pages. If Show Images (Pictures, IDs...) is checked, the reports will also display the customer's ID (with ID number) and customer picture. Print allows the user to print the report with the selected date range and stores without previewing it on the screen first. Preview will display the report on the screen and then the user will have the option to print it.

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CTR/Suspicious Activity Details

This will enable users to display Currency Transaction Reports (CTR) and Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) in great detail. These reports will show transactions in which the date/time, location, type of transaction, amount of transaction, and detailed customer information are recorded. Here is an example of a transaction that totals over $10,000.00. In this case, this transaction total is $16,000 and it has been added to this CTR report.

The detailed customer information will be automatically filled in (as seen in the red boxes). Customer name will be listed at the top left (above SSN). The transaction(s) for a customer that have been marked as suspicious or automatically added to the CTR.

As seen in blue, The Date/Time column displays the time of each specific transaction. The Location column will show the store number and the name of the location in which the transaction took place at. The Activity column will display the line items that were used (Blank Money Order, Unload Debit Card, etc.). Finally, the Amount column shows the amount of the line item.
Total, in green, shows the transaction total.

Suspicious Customers and the respective transaction will display on this report if they have been either flagged or marked as suspicious by the teller at the time of transaction.
The image below shows an example of a $1.00 Blank Money Order being sold. This teller finds the customer and transaction suspicious, and records it in ATS. When a teller marks a transaction or customer suspicious at the time of transaction, the SAR will display further customer information including SSN, full customer name, date of birth, address, phone number and more.

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Money Order Transaction Log

This report will show transactions that have exceeded the total Money Orders amount (as defined in Suspicious Customer Activity Setup) in a single transaction. The image below represents a report in which the total Money Order amount limit is set to $3,000.

These reports are similar in how they are displayed. The Date/Time (seen in red) will match the date and time in which the Money Order was printed. Location will display the currency number and location name. The Activity column will show the line item and the Money Order number. The * column on the far right side will show if the Money Order was on behalf of another person.
The total (in blue) represents the total dollar amount for this transaction. In this case it is $3432.00, which exceeds the particular Money Order limit set for this example main office.

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Bank Secrecy Act Reports

With this report, users have the option to generate BSA forms for CTRs (Currency Transaction Reports) and SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports). When the government forms load, the user can print them, save to .pdf or save to .rtf.

The user can view these reports in greater detail (breaking down the transaction by line items and specific amounts) by searching for it using the CTR/Suspicious Activity Details option.

Here are first page examples of a CTR (below left), and a SAR (below right);