MOPS - Money Order Printing Systems
V5.0.0 10/2004
MOPS Main Menu and Tool Bar Icons
1 Setup
Before using MOPS, you need to make several decisions on how it should operate. MOPS uses various defaults and tables that are established via the Setup Menu.
The Setup Menu consists of several options as displayed on the screen below.
System Settings
System settings allow for the definition of how MOPS will function from an operational standpoint.
Store Setup
Store Setup is designed to give you options that can be tailored to fit your own money order purchasing needs. Start by assigning a Store Name and Store Number to the system.
Store Name: This is the name of the store/currency exchange.
Store Number: The number of the store/currency exchange.
Store Unique Number: This value is determined by the DCS database. It can not be altered from MOPS.
M.O. Default Mod: This value will be the default value in the Daily Work window when a user is adding a new money order purchase.
M.O. Default Number: The total number of money order forms in a new box of money orders.
Export Voided M.O. with 0 Amount: When checked, any voided money orders will be exported with a zero amount.
Reports Date: Select from: Activity Date, Start Session Date or End Session Date.
Printer Name: Select the printer that will be used to print documents from MOPS.
Closeout Export File Path: The full path name for the location of the file that will contain the closeout information. Example: C:/Reports/Money Orders
Federal report Export File Path: The full path name for the location of the file that will contain the federal report information. Example: C:/Reports/Federal
M.O. Lookup File Path: The full path name for the location of the file that will contain the information used for money order lookup. Example: C:/Reports/Lookup. This file is created at the main office using the DCS application MOCS.
Closeout Type Setup
Closeout Type Setup lets you choose the options you prefer for closeout.
Closeout Type: Select either Store Closeout or Teller Closeout. The selected value will affect the items on the Closeout menu.
Print Closeout Report: When checked, a report will be printed automatically after the closeout is completed.
Sales Date Select Min Sales Date or Max Start Date
Void Missing M.O.: When checked, void any missing money order numbers.
Verify M.O. Number for Closeout: When checked, the user will be prompted for the next money order number when closing out.
Export M.O. This option is set by MOPS. At closeout, an export of the current money order transactions is created as a file named SalesN.dat. This is a text file. The contents would be in this format:
1, 100, 0.00, JANE DOE, JOHN DOE, Voided
1, 101, 100.00, , ,
1, 102, 100.00, JANE DOE, JOHN DOE,
Security Setup
These options are unavailable to tellers.
User Setup
The ‘User Maintenance’ screen is used to setup individual user or teller logins. From this screen you are able to assign users a login name, password, access rights, and check cashing limits.
Show All Display all user logins including all logins that have been deactivated.
System Access Set user access levels with ‘99’ being the lowest level of security with the most access rights and ‘1’ being the highest level of security with the least access rights.
Add Setup a new user login and password.
Edit. Edit/modify a user login.
Deactivate Remove an active user login so that the user may no longer access MOPS.
Move Activities Transfer all system activity from the selected user to another user in the system.
Check Limit Impose a single check amount cashing limit on a teller.
Close Exit current ‘User Maintenance’ screen.
Password Setup
Password Reset Timeout Select the number of minutes of inactivity so that the teller will be required to input their password to gain access to the system again.
Reset Password after every transaction When this option is checked, the user will be prompted for a password after each transaction has been completed. This is used when multiple tellers are entering transactions on the same computer terminal.
Module Setup
Allows security settings for each module of MOPS.
Select a specific module and then choose the level of security that can access that module.
If the user has that access level or higher, then the user will be able to access the module.
M.O. Setup
Form Setup
This allows you to select the type of form used for printing money orders.
Choose Setup/M.O. Setup/Forms Setup
Select the form and then click OK.
Set Verification Frequency
This allows you to set the number of money orders that will print before a message is displayed requesting the next money order number in the printer.
Choose Setup/M.O. Setup/Set M.O. Verification Frequency
Enter the number of money orders to be printed before verification.
When that number of money orders has printed, this message will display.
Enter the number of the next money order in the printer into the box and then click OK.
Set M.O. Limits
This allows you to set a dollar limit for total money orders, blank money orders and Federal Report Limit.
Choose Setup/M.O. Setup/Set M.O. Limits
Enter the values into each field, and then click OK.
Set M.O. Printing Options
This allows you to set options for information to be printed on each money order.
Print “NOT VALID OVER” Message When this option is checked,
Print Blank M.O. Message When this option is checked, the text from the Blank M.O. Message box will be printed on each blank money order
Print Signature When this option is checked, the signature on file that is defined in the Signature File field will be printed on each money order.
Fee Maintenance
MOPS is a flexible software product. It allows you to add as many fee tables as needed. When a fee table is added, a Fee Table Name, Fee Table Base, and Fee Table Type must be specified.
Fee Tables
Export the selected Fee Table(s) to an XML File.
Add Setup a new fee table.
Replicate Duplicate an existing fee table.
Edit Edit/modify a fee table.
Delete Remove a fee table.
Show Usage Display a list of modules that are using the selected fee table..
Close Exit ‘List of Fee Tables’ screen.
You will need to setup one or more brackets or fee ranges for each fee schedule and setup the associated charge(s). Specify a ‘Start From’ figure for the range and a flat charge, percent charge, or both and select ‘OK’. Once this is done, the ‘Ending At’ figure will automatically be calculated. If zero is specified as the ‘Start From’, then the ‘Ending At’ figure will be infinity or all nines. In certain instances, there will be more charges associated with a fee schedule. For example, if there is another charge for a $100, a second range must be added by selecting the ‘Add’ button. Specify the ‘Start From’ range as $100 and the associated flat and/or percent charge. Once the $100 range is added, the previous range will calculate a new ‘Ending At’ amount of $99.99 and the new ‘Ending At’ amount for the $100 range will be infinity or all nines.
To Add a Fee Table:
Click Add
Enter the Name of the new Fee Table.
Choose the Base.
Choose the Type.
Click Add
Enter the Fee Range From field
Enter the Charge Flat or Percent field, then click OK.
Assign Fee Tables
After you have set up the fee tables, you will assign a specific fee table to each money order transaction type.
The View button allows you to see the table settings.
The Hardware menu choices allow you to choose and configure the receipt and money order printers.
2 Daily Work
Daily Work – Main Menu
The Daily Work menu allows you to access the Daily Work window. From the Daily Work window you can print filled in money orders or blank money orders. The left side of the menu allows the user to select the type of money order to be printed. The middle portion gives you the option to print a receipt for each transaction or to reprint a receipt for the previous transaction. The right side of the menu shows a transaction breakdown with the transaction type, quantity, amount, associated fee(s), and the total for all transactions during the current session.
Print Blank Money Order
Select Print Blank Money Order, and then Press Enter.
Enter the amount of the money order, and then Press Tab.
The Fee is automatically populated.
Press Enter.
The transaction information is entered into the Daily Work window.
You can repeat the steps to print another blank money order.
When you have completed the transactions,
press ALT-D, or click the Done button.
Enter the amount collected from the customer, and then Press Tab.
The Pay Out is automatically calculated.
Press Enter.
The money order(s) will print and the transaction information is printed on the receipt.
Print Filled In Money Order
From the Daily Work window, select Print Filled In Money Order, and then Press Enter.
Enter the From (Payer), To (Payee), amount of the money order, and then Press Tab.
The Fee is automatically populated.
Press Enter.
The transaction information is entered into the Daily Work window.
You can repeat the steps to enter another filled in money order.
You can select an entry and click Edit or Delete to make changes.
When you have completed the transactions,
press ALT-D, or click the Done button.
Enter the amount collected from the customer, and then Press Tab.
The Pay Out is automatically calculated.
Press Enter.
The money order(s) will print and the transaction information is printed on the receipt.
Manual Money Order Entry
Manual Money Order Entry allows you to enter the Money Order number when you are adding a new money order.
From the Daily Work menu, choose Manual Money Order Entry.
Enter the number of the money order and the amount of the money order. Then Press Tab.
The Fee is automatically populated.
Press Enter.
Press Enter.
The transaction information is entered into the Manual Entry window.
You can repeat the steps to enter another manual entry money order.
Enter the amount collected from the customer, and then Press Tab.
The Pay Out is automatically calculated.
Press Enter.
The money order(s) will print and the transaction information is printed on the receipt.
Lookup Money Order
This process is dependent on a main office file that is provided to each store with information about existing money orders and their status. Without this file, the Lookup process is not available. You can search for a specific money order by the money order number, or search for any money order(s) that meet the search conditions. The results list will include details about the money order and status.
Enter the information for the search conditions, then click OK.
M.O. LookUp Results
Void Money Order
You can void any money order that was issued prior to Closeout. Once Closeout has occurred, the money order can not be voided. You can unvoid a money order prior to Closeout also.
Choose Daily Work/Void Money Order
Select the money order to be voided, then click Void.
Confirm the transaction to be voided. If multiple money orders were purchased during the transaction, then you can void all or select specific money orders to be voided. Any voided money order can be unvoided prior to closeout.
If you choose No, the next screen will display and you can select the specific money order(s) to be voided. For each line item, click Void, then select the next line item to be voided.
Click Close to exit the Void/Unvoid Money screen.
Void One Money Order
If you know the specific money order number, you can enter the money order number to void/unvoid it. Any money order that was issued prior to Closeout can be voided/unvoided. Once Closeout has occurred, the money order can not be voided/unvoided.
Choose Daily Work/Void One Money Order
Enter the money order number, then press Enter to choose OK.
Press Enter to choose Void
Press Enter to choose Yes
Press ESC to Close
3 Closeout
MOPS has two types of Closeout methods: Teller Closeout and Store Closeout. Teller closeout allows each individual teller to closeout their own drawer totals separately. Store closeout allows the totals for all teller drawers to be entered at one time. The Closeout type that your system is using was chosen during the initial MOPS setup.
Teller Closeout
Choose Closeout/Teller Closeout
Click OK to complete the teller closeout.
Store Closeout
After every teller has closed out, the final teller will proceed with the Store Closeout . If MOPS is set up for Store Closeout only, then the final teller will complete the store closeout at the end of the day.
Choose Closeout/Store Closeout. If all tellers have not closed out the following will display.
The store closeout can be started by clicking Yes and the tellers that did not close out individually can be closed out by the final teller.
Click OK to complete the teller closeout.
Click Yes to begin the Store Closeout.
Click OK to complete the Store Closeout.
If the Closeout Setup requires the teller to Verify M.O. Number for Closeout this message will display.
An incorrect number will cause this message to display.
You can check the next money order number.
Click on Edit M.O. Box
Click OK to complete the closeout.
4 Reports
MOPS has the capability of generating various bill payment reports.
Print Sales Report: The Sales Report will provide a list of all money order transactions by a specific teller or for the store for the current day / closeout period. This report contains all transactions prior to closeout.
Reprint Sales Report: Print a Sales Report by teller or store for a specific day/closeout period. This report can be printed after closeout.
Print Federal Report: Print the Sales Report for a specific day/closeout period. This report can be printed after closeout.
Reprint Federal Report: Print the Sales Report for a specific day/closeout period. This report can be printed after closeout.
Print Sales Report
The Sales Report will provide a list of all money order transactions by a specific teller or for the store for the current day / closeout period.
Choose Reports/Print Sales Report/By Teller
Click on the X in the upper right hand corner to close the Report
Choose Reports/Print Sales Report/By Store
Click on the X in the upper right hand corner to close the Report
Print Federal Report
The Federal Report will provide a list of all money order transactions that must be filed with the U.S. Government.
Choose Reports/Print Federal Report
Select the criteria for the report. Now press Enter.
Click on the X in the upper right hand corner to close the Report
5 Maintenance
The Maintenance Menu primarily contains options that allow specific system changes.
Edit Box Information
The Edit Box Information allows you to maintain the current money order number or start a new box of money order forms.
Re-sequence Money Order Numbers
This option is used when the money orders that have been printed are not matching to the numbers that have been recorded in MOPS. This option allows you to correct the numbers that have been recorded in MOPS to the actual number on the printed money order.
Maintain Frequent Payee List
The Frequent Payee List can be used when printing filled in money orders. This is useful when you print money orders to the same vendor, government agency or others on a frequent basis. You can add, edit or delete names for the list.
The list will be displayed in the To field (Payee) when adding a new filled in money order.
Add/Edit Federal Report
Additional Federal Reports can be created or edited.
Export Sale Data
Allows you to set the criteria for money order transaction information and create a text file of the information. The file will be saved in the directory designated by the Closeout Export File Path that is set in Store Setup. This file is used by the DCS application MOCS. The file name will be SaleN.dat and it is a text file format.
Recreate Printer Forms
This will set up the Printer Settings in the Windows environment. This is used by DCS personnel.
Data Backup
This will begin a database backup.
Reset Password
This option is normally used in conjunction with the ‘reset password after every transaction’ option under ‘Security Setup’ – ‘Password Setup’. Once this option is taken, the very next action made will prompt the current user to key in their assigned password. The password keyed in will now log any bills entered under the new user.
6 Help Menu
The MOPS ‘Help Menu’ allows you to access general software information, detailed version/connectivity/user information, and the MOPS help documentation.
About Software
Provides MOPS version, Database connectivity, CPU, and current user session information.
MOPS Help (on Web)
This option provides access to this documentation through your internet web browser.
About DCS
This option provides basic MOPS copyright information and a direct link to the Digital Currency Systems website.